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428 Results Found

A Very Capable Life

Book ...a child when her family left Hungary to establish a new life in Canada in the 1920s. With courage and innovation, Zarah and her family survived the Depression even if...


Book ...relation to actuality. The poems explore past, present, and future in different places from Canada through New Jersey, New York and New England to England and Europe, part of the...

The Metabolism of Desire

Book ...nuovo, the “sweet new style” that emerged in thirteenth-century Florence. While Dante’s poetry was devoted to his childhood sweetheart, Beatrice, Cavalcanti’s poetry had more the tang of real-world experience: he...

Under Siege

Book ...unswerving commitment to democratic socialist thinking. Drawing extensively on the ILP’s Labour Leader and other contemporary left-wing newspapers, as well as on ILP publications and internal party documents, Bullock examines...

Provincial Solidarities

Book ...overcoming divisions and defeats to raise the status of working men and women within New Brunswick society. Drawing on archives, newspapers, and workers’ own descriptions of their experiences, Frank makes...

Plastic Legacies

Book There is virtually nowhere on Earth today that remains untouched by plastic and ecosystems are evolving to adapt to this new context. While plastics have revolutionized our modern world, new...

The Digital Nexus

Book Over half a century ago, in The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962), Marshall McLuhan noted that the overlap of traditional print and new electronic media like radio and television produced widespread upheaval...

Speaking Power to Truth

Book ...and television news programs. At the same time, with increasing frequency, discourse on public life is taking place online. This new digital environment is characterized by abundance—an abundance of speakers,...