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Fall 2020 at AU Press

Blog ...which the complete command of the lake afforded them of transporting that force to any given point where they might most annoy him and molest his retreat, it was to...

The Newsletter: March

Blog club itself. In case you haven’t heard, we partnered with Reconciliation in Solidarity Edmonton—RISE to create a citywide book club that will bring people together to read, learn, and...

Critical Thinking, Logic, and Argument

Book ...introduction to critical thinking methods, principles, and applied examples. It engages the reader to question their attitude and approach to critical thinking and provides a detailed introduction to the role...

Book of the Week: Rocks in the Water, Rocks in the Sun

Blog ...opened Haiti’s doors—the combination of flexible capital and cheap labour too attractive to multinational manufacturers to be overlooked. With the death of his mother, Joegodson was placed in his uncle’s...

Privacy Policy we have the ability to monitor user activity and accounts. We reserve the right to remove annotations and user accounts at our discretion. Analytics Our online reading platform records...

About Us

...perceptual (print) disabilities is another way for us to remove barriers to knowledge and serve a wider community of readers. Committed to Open Access By embracing an open access publishing...


Anthropology Archaeology Business and Economics Leadership Canadian Studies Communication Studies Food Computing Cultural Studies Film Technology and Society Education Online Pedagogy Environmental Studies French Titles Gender Studies Women Geography and...

Awards and Recognition

...into their publications, in addition to offering readers and users the opportunity to annotate, share, and comment. AU Press was selected as one of only ten organizations to receive a...

Rights and Permissions

...4.0 International licence. This licence allows the material to be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided that credit is given to the original author. For more information about this licence visit...

Issues in Distance Education

Series ...volume focuses on critical issues and emerging trends, while noting the evolutionary history and roots of this specialized mode of education and training. Send your manuscript for consideration to