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303 Results Found

Plastic Legacies

Book ...and often unforeseen effects of plastic and its production are continually being discovered. Plastics are entangled in multiple ecological and social crises, from the plasticization of the oceans to the...

The Digital Nexus

Book ...environment focused on its potential rather than its profound impact on every sphere of civic, commercial, and private life. The totalizing scope of the combined effects of computerization and the...

Liberalism, Surveillance, and Resistance

Book ...Alberta and BC, liberalism proved to be an exclusionary rather than inclusionary force. Between 1877 and 1927, government officials, police officers, church representatives, ordinary settlers, and many others operated to...

Key Considerations for Online Curriculum Design

Blog ...or mentors working with online professional doctoral students.” Scaffolding and mentoring areas of specialization “[…] scaffolding the students’ selection of areas of specialization can contribute to transformational learning. Professionals often...

The West and Beyond

Book ...of the West, and among practitioners of diverse approaches to the past. It also reflects a broad range of disciplinary and professional boundaries, offering new ways to understand the West....


Book the realm of the postmodern, while it also incorporates subtle elements of magical realism. One of Poland’s best-known poets, Ewa Lipska is today a major figure in European literature....

The Teacher and the Superintendent

Book ...the daily conflicts that occurred between church and government and of the many injustices suffered by the Native population in the face of the misguided efforts of both institutions. ....

Sociocultural Systems

Book Macrosociology—the study of large-scale social structures and the fundamental principles of social organization—was the style of sociology practiced by the founders of the discipline. Today, the social theories of Karl...

Cape Breton in the Long Twentieth Century

Book ...effects of deindustrialization. Now, at the tail end of the industrial moment in North American history, the story of Cape Breton Island presents an opportunity to reflect on how industrialization...

Teaching in Blended Learning Environments

Book ...selected and complementary face-to-face and online approaches and technologies. A direct result of the transformative innovation of virtual communication and online learning communities, blended learning environments have created new ways...