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381 Results Found

Spring 2021 at AU Press

Blog ...Taffel, and Ian Shaw There is virtually nowhere on Earth today that remains untouched by plastic and ecosystems are evolving to adapt to this new context. While plastics have revolutionized...

Alberta Book Day 2019

Blog ...far more substantial in other provinces and Alberta Book Day is a small step toward acknowledging that imbalance. This day is an excellent opportunity to share our passion (and our...

Fall 2024 at AU Press

Blog ...much-needed tool and providing practical advice for using digital technology to enact these tenets in the classroom, this collection will empower educators and learners alike. Jacquelyne Thoni Howard is a...

University Press Week 2020: Creative Voices

Blog ...elevating authors, subjects, and whole disciplines that bring new perspectives, ideas, and voices to readers around the globe—in partnership with booksellers, librarians, and others. Today’s blog tour focuses on creative...

Leopold McGinnis

Contributor Leopold McGinnis doesn't know much about art, but he knows what he likes. Unfortunately, it's usually not the same thing everyone else likes, so he's just had to make his...

Workers’ Control on the Railroad

Book The late “Lefty” Morgan, a British Columbia railway engineer, outlines his philosophy of workers’ control in this fascinating volume. The volume has a scholarly introduction by University of New Brunswick...

The Wolves at My Shadow

Blog ...armbands. One of the men was big and mean-looking, the bill of his cap pulled down to just above his eyes, his face in shadow, his eyes like beacons shining...


Book Aurora: Interviews with Leading Thinkers and Writers is an open-access online publication providing interviews with leading scholars, artists and activists and highlighting various dimensions of their thinking and the implications of...

Le conseiller pédagogique réflexif

Book Transformer un organisme qui dispense des cours traditionnels en un organisme qui offre des cours à distance et en ligne n’est pas une entreprise de tout repos. Il faut comprendre...

Poets on Poetry: World Poetry Day

Blog ...How disappointing she was in the end after months of poetry lifting her up on a pillar to the sun to laze amongst the Gods in infamy chase after narrow...