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108 Results Found

Teaching in Blended Learning Environments

Book ...selected and complementary face-to-face and online approaches and technologies. A direct result of the transformative innovation of virtual communication and online learning communities, blended learning environments have created new ways...

A Designer’s Log

Book ...documents the emergence of an adapted instructional design model for transforming courses from single-mode to dual-mode instruction, making this designer’s log a unique contribution to the field of online learning....

Under Siege

Book ...By the end of the decade, having tested the possibility of creating a revolutionary party in Britain almost to the point of its own destruction, the ILP was much diminished—although,...

The Finest Blend

Book ...Alicia Adlington, Shaily Bhola, Denise Carew, Jane Costello, Daph Crane, Jane Hanson, Michael Fairbrother, Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier, Shehzad Ghani, Michele Jacobsen, Carol Johnson, Sawsen Lakhal, Yang (Flora) Liu, Dorothea Nelson, Pam...

Key Considerations for Online Curriculum Design

Blog ...of areas of research specialization. Online professional doctorates that do not include planned coursework but rely on doctoral seminars and colloquia can also include such activities, as can individual advisers...


...année, la revue Labour/Le Travail a fait paraître depuis 1976 plusieurs articles marquants dans le domaine de l’histoire de la classe ouvrière, de la sociologie industrielle, de l’économie du travail et des...

Critical Digital Pedagogy in Higher Education

Book and explore how to cultivate a pedagogy of care in an online environment. With an eye towards identifying different and better possibilities, this collection investigates previously under-examined concepts in...

Learning in Virtual Worlds

Book ...anecdotal but the potential that these environments hold to solve traditional problems in online and technology-mediated education—primarily learner isolation and student disengagement—has resulted in considerable investments in virtual world platforms...

Principles of Blended Learning

Book The rapid migration to remote instruction during the Covid-19 pandemic has expedited the need for more research, expertise, and practical guidelines for online and blended learning. A theoretical grounding of...

Metaphors of Ed Tech

Book ...deployed effectively, but a lack of imagination. Martin Weller provides new ways of thinking about educational technology through a wide range of metaphors. By using metaphors as a mental model,...