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409 Results Found

The Finest Blend

Book ...role of instructional designers. They share key practices for both graduate students and instructors and emphasize the importance of institutional and departmental support for both students and faculty transitioning to...

Health and Safety in Canadian Workplaces

Book Workplace injuries happen every day and can profoundly affect workers, their families, and the communities in which they live. This textbook is for workers and students looking for an introduction...

How Education Works

Book ...of educational phenomena, including the failure of learning style theories, the nature of literacies, systemic weaknesses in learning management systems, the prevalence of cheating in educational institutions, and the fundamental...

Transparent Lives

Book being captured and processed. Where does such information go? Who makes use of it, and for what purpose? Is the loss of control over our personal information merely the...

Mobile Learning

Book ...and become familiar with the best practices of other educators, trainers, and researchers in the field, as well as the most recent initiatives in mobile learning research. Businesses and governments...

Critical Digital Pedagogy in Higher Education

Book and explore how to cultivate a pedagogy of care in an online environment. With an eye towards identifying different and better possibilities, this collection investigates previously under-examined concepts in...

Principles of Blended Learning

Book ...approaches and practices is imperative to support blended learning and sustain change across multiple levels in education organizations, from leadership to classroom. The Community of Inquiry is a valuable framework...

Learning in Virtual Worlds

Book ...anecdotal but the potential that these environments hold to solve traditional problems in online and technology-mediated education—primarily learner isolation and student disengagement—has resulted in considerable investments in virtual world platforms...

Emerging Technologies in Distance Education

Book ...emerging technologies in distance education. Emerging Technologies in Distance Education provides expert advice on how educators can launch effective and engaging distance education initiatives in response to technological advancements, changing...

Letters from the Lost

Book the letters’ contents. She has here interwoven their stories and her own into a compelling narrative of suffering, survivor guilt, and overcoming intergenerational obstacles when exploring a traumatic past....